Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Paris 2009 – Day One [Afternoon]

Where better to begin a trip to Paris than viewing a special exhibit at the Louvre?

titian exhibitThis exhibit Rivals in Renaissance Venice displays the great works by Titian, Tintoretto, and Veronese. Their rivalry did not lead to aesthetic degradation but rather to a profusion of ideas.

There are lots of remedies to fight off jet-lag but none can compete with a visit to the Louvre. Not a bad choice.  Rivals In Renaissance Venice 


Long lines had us avoid the final days of Toulouse-Lautrec. The Les Arts Decoratifs Museum is co-located with the Louvre. The Web site also has a nice guide of the exhibit (PDF) so that will have to do.

Instead we took advantage of the incredible warm weather and walk around the park and along the Seine. It made for a good day of photo taking and quick overview of the city. The parks were busy.
