Friday, May 20, 2011

Italy - Day Eleven

Another lazy day on the Isola di Procida. It seems that everyone (including me) is preparing for the upcoming weekend's crowds begin flocking to the island later today. We are all taking refuge in our solitude. This picture says it all. I took it during our walk through Marina Corricella.

I am off to the Spaiggia (read: Beach) to rest in the sun and sand. Exploring has quickly given way to laziness. Resting up before next week's travel to the busy cities of Napoli and Roma.

Each morning - equipped with my beach towel, book and bottle of water - I take to the streets and now familiar steep stairway down to the black sand.

Chiaia has become one of my favorite spots to relax on Isola di Procida. The daily schedule has become predictable and somewhat routine - but the views are constantly changing adding a bit of surprise to each hour.

I laugh at the huge chasm between this peaceful place and the violence-filled mystery that shades my face. The story couldn't be more out of place than on the Isola di Procida where doors remain unlocked. This is paradise.

I read on - not yet prepared to sever my roots to the 'real' world and realizing soon Napoli and Roma will remind me of a different world where pickpockets abound. Between pages - I catch a glimpse of my beautiful Chiaia and daydream of living forever in this peaceful world.

My afternoon is filled with alternating images of these two worlds in stark contrast. Murder and mayhem in my hands; beauty and peacefulness before my eyes; and my mind is enjoying the complexity of both.

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