Monday, May 09, 2011

Remodeled Again

Day One - Italy bound.

I really never believed today would become a reality.

For months, my thoughts have bounced back-and-forth from disbelief that some disaster hasn't destroyed my plans to apprehension that some problem would derail my year-in-the-making scheme to escape for a month.

Finally the day is here and like a thief - I have silently and imperceptibly left home, the job and soon everything familiar that makes up the good ol' USA.

Exactly as planned, I am filled with both excitement and apprehension. My itinerary is full of uncommon plans and places for me to experience before I turn 50 later this month. Some are designed to test my resolve and understanding, others are designed to make me slow down and enjoy, and all are designed to remind me of my fortunate life.

I started writing this blog on July 4, 2004 and named it for the remodeling of our 1950 house. The last of the home remodeling projects are far behind me - but somehow the blog's title 'my remodeled life' seems appropriate for this adventure.

Wish me luck!

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