Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Italy - Day Nine

Less than 500 steps from our apartment door and down a steep flight of stairs is an amazing little beach called Chiaia. This simple place faces east and is well situated deep inside a protected cove that fills with sailboats on the weekend.

The beach is serviced by two Beach Clubs (the main one includes a full restaurant) - where for a fee (currently - 5 Euros) an attendant will provide you have a chair, umbrella, refreshments and access to clean restrooms.

Chiaia is an aristocrat and beauty. She presides over Corricella (Procida's famous fishing village) and Terra Murata (the original walled city) - clear signs of her regal heritage. She keeps a careful eye on the horizon where her distant rivals of Capri and the Almafi play in the sun.

Fishing boats filled with today's catch and expensive yachts alike bear her gifts. They come and go as part of an endless parade.

Like her sister beaches on Isola di Procida, Chiaia is a black volcanic sandy beach. Her water is shallow and crystal clear. In May, she is frosty. It is early in the season for her to greet guests. Her heart-stopping chilly waters keep foreign suitors at bay - only the familiar are seen swimming in these waters.

In preparation for the crowds, her domestics are combing her hair, applying make-up and polishing her nails. They rush about to finish their work before her first appearance as a Debutante.

Chiaia is warming up to us. We are becoming familiar faces. Today the Sun, Chiaia's best friend, encouraged us to visit her. Chiaia beckons us to forget the streets of Isola di Procida and return to her warmth. Today - we failed to resist her temptation and waded reluctantly into her cold water.

Oh - the 'Italian Way' where hostility and aloofness can quickly melt away to friendliness and warmth.

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