Thursday, July 29, 2004

Chaos Rules

WOW - this week has completely gotten away from me!  Chaos has been plentiful filling up the hours and days.  Thankfully I am back in control (right? who is kidding who?).  Laughing.  It looks like my 'helper' is still doing good - though tired towards the end of the day.  Pups are crazy! We had TONS of rain here yesterday.  So ... they are muddy and eager to be outside playing.  My back is better after two visits this week to the doctor.  One more treatment this week - and still using the ol' ice pack as often as I can.

The remodeling project is making progress.  Everyday we come to new improvements and changes.  I don't think we will get back into the master bedroom by the weekend as planned - but soon.  The new kitchen cabinet doors are partially in place and look very good.  Painters are trimming out the bedrooms and halls for the interior painting to begin soon. 

Interesting how many projects have started and are now - on hold - for reasons that honestly escapes me.  You would think the workers would want to complete their work before moving on.  Guess my brain doesn't function the same way as a remodeler's mind.  Thankfully, the roofing was not one of these projects waiting to be finished!  What a disaster that would have been!

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